How To Eat Well On A Budget

Eating well is an integral part of your overall health, but living within your means is also essential. Sure, eating healthy can be expensive if you’re only shopping at Whole Foods and buying specialty items. But with a little bit of strategy, you can stay within a budget and fill your cart with delicious, healthy […]
The Body Bloom Gym Is Ready for Action

We’ve officially completed the Body Bloom Gym. The scent of fresh paint has replaced the musk of drywall and sawdust that filled the building through months of construction. This once hollow space, rich in potential, is now a warm resting place for gleaming new equipment. Looking back to the beginning of this journey, I […]
12 Affirmations for the End of the Holiday Season

12 Affirmations for the End of the Holiday Season The holidays aren’t always a picture-perfect Hallmark experience. From relatives posing uncomfortable questions like, “When are you going to get married and have kids?” to being around family members you have strained relationships with, you may find yourself overwhelmed and anxious about being in the same […]
How Do You Stay Consistent?

Take a moment to reflect on something you’ve really wanted in your life that you’ve had to save up for. Maybe it was a fancy-ass meal in a Michelin star restaurant, a vacation you’ve dreamed of since you were young, or a high-end jacket you’ve had your eye on all year. Whatever it is, I […]
7 Reasons to Go for a Walk Around the Block

A life rich in health and wellness is actually easier than people think. Many believe that taking care of yourself means putting hours in the gym and executing a strict nutrition plan, but the truth is that your overall health is formed in the little things you do. It’s what happens outside of the gym […]
How to Ditch The Holiday Eating Stress

How much time do you spend thinking about food during the holidays? Does the dessert table trigger anxiety? Do you find yourself so distracted by the overwhelming amount of food choices that it’s difficult to stay present during conversations? While the holidays are a wonderful time to celebrate and be with the people you love, […]
Elizabeth’s Heart-Pumping Playlist

My journey with music began at a very young age. While my peers were busy learning melodies from Sesame Street at three years old, I was changing the dial to Bollywood beats that made me feel alive. I like music that challenges convention and can ignite something deep within you, whether it’s pain you need […]
Ruby Geode Salad Recipe

How do you feel about salads? As it turns out, many people have big feelings surrounding a crisp bed of greens, and I think we have diet culture to blame for that. Poor salad was just sitting around minding its own business, and the industry decided to make it the poster child for quick-fix fads […]
Elizabeth’s Fall Favorites

I think we all have seasons we naturally thrive in. When the air is crisp and the leaves change, I come alive. Fall reminds me of childhood excitement—going back to school and seeing all of your friends again. I used to live two blocks away from a football field and I always enjoyed listening to […]
7 Foods That Fight Inflammation

Inflammation and the human body are in a committed relationship, and sometimes, it gets complicated. In a perfect world, inflammation shows up when our bodies recognize an intruder (usually an infection or injury) and leaves once we are healed. However, when inflammation gets clingy, it becomes chronic and can be linked to serious health issues […]