About Us

Our Mission

A 360° Approach Toward Health and Wellness

No Shitty Attitudes

We understand that movement is a privilege and carry that attitude with us into the workout, regardless of what else we have going on. Leave any negativity at the door and be ready to train.

Discipline, Respect, Fun
At Body Bloom, we will push you to do your best and hold you accountable. Have fun with us while you work toward your goals!
Strength Over Size
Strength doesn’t have a size. Focus on feeling and moving better each session. Enjoy the journey of building strength and self-confidence!

Form Is King

Practice good technique before going heavy. The right form will prevent injuries and ensure maximum muscle contractions. Brag about your form, not the amount of weight you lift.

One of the most powerful tools for a healthy mind is movement, which is just another reason why we are so passionate about exercise here at Body Bloom.

– Elizabeth Reyes –

Meet Elizabeth

Meet Elizabeth

Hello, hallo, oi, hola, bonjour! My name is Elizabeth, and I am the founder and head coach of Body Bloom with a certified background in strength training and nutritional coaching.

I love getting my clients to challenge themselves and learn invaluable skills they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. I believe that training should be a fun, results-driven experience that enhances your life rather than rules it. I developed the Body Bloom Pillars to support, guide, and educate my clients on making sustainable improvements to their lives, and I can do the same for you.

When I’m not training clients, you can find me cozied up in a fabulous house robe watching film noir or exploring the streets of San Francisco searching for delicious ice cream parlors and dogs who need petting.

Interested in working with me?

I work with a limited number of in-person clients (at our SOMA location only) to provide the highest quality of training and support. If you would like to reserve your spot in the gym, please register your interest below.

Not local? No problem! Access my program anytime, anywhere through the Body Bloom app.

Emma's Testimonial

Andi's Testimonial

“The Body Bloom program completely changed my life. As a stay-at-home mom of two, I had fallen into the “I don’t have time for myself” trap like so many other mothers. I tried everything under the sun from keto to shakes to veganism, but nothing seemed to work with my specific needs and I would always fall off the wagon and back into my old habits. Finally, after watching Elizabeth’s posts for a few months, I decided to contact her to learn more about her program. 

The program is educational, encouraging, and easy to follow. I love the freedom it offered for me to meet my goals while also still participating in life! Elizabeth really helped me understand that fitness shouldn’t control my life, it should enhance it. I’m so grateful to her for creating such a comprehensive, life-changing program. 

I feel the best I’ve ever felt, not just physically, but mentally. I have muscle tone like never before and a newfound love and respect for myself. The principles and practices applied from Body Bloom have made me a better wife, mother, and person. I have more patience, I am more mindful of my needs, and because I take time for myself, I no longer get burnt out and I feel like I have so much more of myself to give to my children.”

Let's get in shape together!

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