The Power of No

Raise your hand if you’ve said yes to something out of guilt, obligation, or fear of disappointing someone. “No” is a response that isn’t always easy to give, and the more we talk with people, we realize that it’s actually prevalent to struggle with that two-letter powerhouse of a word. Whether you learned not […]
Exercise for Mental Health: Optimize The Benefits of Moving Your Body

We can all agree that last year was a doozy, and if you’ve had a slow start to 2021, that’s certainly understandable. After a trying year, it can be difficult to slide out of the slump and back into life as we knew it before the pandemic hit. The lack of control we experienced caused […]
What Is Progressive Overload and How Will It Take Your Training to The Next Level?

The human body is absolutely incredible. It repairs itself, fights off infections, regenerates cells, and sends signals to the brain when it needs rest or nourishment. The body has two primary goals: to keep us alive and safe. And hey, it works hard to ensure those needs are met, so I’m not throwing any shade. […]
The Best Home Gym Investments Based Off Your Budget

There’s no denying the benefits of having access to equipment in the comfort of your own home for those days you can’t make it to the gym. These days hundreds of different machines and gadgets claim to be the best, which can make it difficult to know where you should invest. We’re here to help […]
The Best Thing You Can do If You Want to Find Love

It’s the most controversial time of the year; February. A month filled with flowers, chocolates, oversized plush bears, and hearts everywhere you look. For some, it’s an exciting opportunity to shower the one they love, but for others, it can be a somber reminder of what they haven’t yet found; a partner. Of course, not […]
One-On-One Training Now Available

Body Bloom is officially open and taking new clients! We’ve been working hard to get our clients to crush their goals safely during these unusual times and are excited to announce that we are now offering 1:1 training. We know that nothing will stop you when you’re ready to conquer, and we are here to […]
Stepping Back Into The Game After Time Away

2020 was a challenging year that forced us all to adapt to a new normal. For some, the changes were less than others, but regardless of how affected you were, chances are you may have fallen out of your lifestyle for a bit. The great thing about fitness is that it will always be […]
Easy Baked Apple Slices

There’s nothing quite like curling up with a warm dessert, fresh out of the oven. We are obsessed with this baked apple slices recipe because it brings the taste and decadence of the season while leaving all of the junky ingredients out. We fully believe that you don’t have to compromise your fitness goals to […]
Immunity Boosters To Help You Stay Healthy During the Winter

This winter, it’s more important than ever to find ways to maintain your health. While there may not be a sure-fire way to prevent getting sick, you can use nutrition to lessen the likelihood of illness or shorten the length of recovery time. Here are six immunity boosters you can add to your toolkit to […]
Food Shouldn’t Be Scary. Here’s How to Improve Your Relationship and Trust Your Body Again

I often admire the way children approach food. They eat when they’re hungry, stop when they’re full, and enjoy a variety of flavors, or in some pickier cases, live off of chicken nuggets and ice cream sandwiches for three years straight. Whether their palates are refined or not, one thing rings true in households where […]