
How to Use Your Emotions to Fuel Training Sessions

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and
to dominate them.” – Oscar Wilde

It’s been a long day, a stretched-out week. Nothing seems to be going your way,
and every emotion feels like it’s pooling up inside of you, ready to burst at any moment.
You’re overwhelmed, exhausted, infuriated, tender, everything in-between, and your
defense mechanism is to retreat. To slump on the couch with a big bowl of ice cream,
throw up the white flag of surrender, and succumb to a Netflix coma.
I’ve been there. It is so easy to lose sight of what truly helps us through those big
feelings when we are in the thick of them, and often, we reach for society’s curation of
“bad-day remedies” rather than what serves us. While there is nothing wrong with
enjoying a bowl of mint chip and the latest Netflix original, using these as mindless tools
to cope often tacks regret on to your already full plate of emotions because your actions
are not coming from a place of intention.
Additionally, many people find their training suffers from their mood. Maybe when
you’re upset, you let it distract you from your session, or perhaps you skip entirely on
those days. Taking rest days to allow your body and mind to recover is vital to any
training regimen. However, when those days are sporadic and based on mood, it can
negatively impact your results. The critical thing to understand is that emotions are not a
personality trait. They are not a permanent resident in your home. Instead, they are
fleeting, like a house guest who sometimes overstays their welcome. When you
recognize this, you can actually begin to use your emotions to fuel your workouts and,

ultimately, release or minimize those feelings that felt so heavy before entering the

I don’t have to tell you that a good mood can positively impact your training
because that is a given. When we are in a good headspace, you walk in the door
motivated and ready for action. But what if I told you that a bad or even sad mood can
also make a positive impact? You know the feeling you get after finishing the last rep of
a heavy set? That sort of, “I can’t believe I pulled that off, I’m such a badass!” vibe?
Well, you can tap into that same energy when you’re emotionally drained. Showing up
for your session, even when your mind hurts, brings a new level of awareness for your
physical strength, and that is a total mood enhancer. Similarly, when you’re all steamed
up and ready to spout off, you can use that frustration to challenge yourself. Increase
the intensity, add additional sets, and harness that energy.
Whether you’re over-the-moon with joy or red in the face with anger, consistency
is the key to long-term results. Thankfully, we can use our training sessions as
opportunities to diffuse intense emotions. So next time, don’t let
those feelings keep you from showing up for yourself. If you still want to grab a scoop of
ice cream and relax in front of your favorite show when you’re done, go for it. But let that
come from a place of calm and self-compassion, not overwhelm and exasperation.
Remember your strength, remember your power, and above all, remember that your
goals live inside of you, and your emotions are just temporary houseguests in need of a
little push out the door.

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