
Stepping Back Into The Game After Time Away


2020 was a challenging year that forced us all to adapt to a new normal. For some, the changes were less than others, but regardless of how affected you were, chances are you may have fallen out of your lifestyle for a bit. The great thing about fitness is that it will always be there waiting for you when you’re ready to pick it up again. So, if you took an extended break, don’t stress. Sometimes life knocks you down, but you can always get back in the game. Today, we’re sharing some tips on how you can come back stronger than ever. 


  1. Adopt a White Belt Mentality

To be successful, you have to be willing to start from scratch. In martial arts, a white belt is the lowest rank where you begin your training. Everyone thinks of a badass who can do Bruce Lee-style moves when they think of martial arts, but even Lee started as a beginner. Walking into the gym after a hiatus and trying to lift the way you did six months or even a year ago, would be like a white belt trying to master advanced moves with a beginner’s skill set. Allow yourself to be new at this, even if it isn’t your first time. You can and will gain back your strength, but you mustn’t rush it. You’re going to fumble, get fatigued, and mess up. Embrace the new beginning—focus on perfecting your form and range of motion before moving on to heavier lifts, especially for safety’s sake


  1. Commit, Realistically 

You can’t be halfway in if you want to see results. It’s as simple as that. However, being in doesn’t mean overdoing it and pursuing unrealistic goals. Creating idealistic habits is one of the primary reasons people become discouraged and fall out shortly after restarting. It’s a vicious cycle of commit-relapse-repeat, which is why we recommend being honest with yourself. How many days can you, without a doubt, make it to your training sessions? If your answer is, “I can try to do four days…” then you’re already setting yourself up to fail. I’d rather see you a solid three days a week going hard in your training, than see you scattered, overworked, and stressed for four. Commit to something realistic and then put your money where your goals are. If you’re pretty self-motivated, get an app to log your sessions, or write them down in a notebook to stay on track. For a more lax personality, work with a coach or trainer to keep you accountable. Commit to a doable program, and make sure you hold to it. 


  1. Train Smarter 

Adaptation is the name of the game when you’re trying to change your body. Whether you’re back trying to lose weight, gain strength, or build muscle, you need to do something different (than what you’ve been doing) to see results. If you spent your quarantine months couch surfing, three days of lifting per week will be a welcomed change in routine for your body. However, you must go about it the right way if you want to see results. You need to focus on efficiency as well as frequency. Many people think they need to spend six days a week in the gym in order to see a change in their bodies, but it isn’t solely about how often you train as much as how well you do. Compound and unilateral movements pack the biggest punch and help you gain overall muscle balance during training. On rest days, you can do low-impact cardio like walking around your neighborhood. You’re a busy person and your time is valuable, so don’t waste it. Get in, get it done, and get going with the rest of your day. 


  1. Take Your Recovery Seriously 

During exercise, you are breaking your body down. It isn’t until you finish your last rep that your body begins to build back up and change. Yes, the hard work happens in the weight room, but inadequate recovery leads to an overworked body and central nervous system, making you prone to injury. The way you care for yourself outside of the gym is just as important as how you train. This means prioritizing sleep, managing stress, and fueling with nutritious foods. Recovery is essential to your progress, so treat it as such. 

Stepping back into the game after time away doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right tools and support, you’ll be stronger, leaner, and ready to tackle the world in no time. Book a consultation today to talk with a coach about your goals. 

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